Biography: | Other Recordings:
Avra Velis album "Superalterego"
The Borderers albums "The Gathering" Inspired" and "Grace"
Brian Cadd album "Quietly Rusting"
Selena Cross album "Strip"
Kylie Minogue single "The Real Thing"
Real Blondes single "I Won't Let Go" Remix
Jackson Mendoza single "Ordinary Girl" Remix
Kids 4 Life album "Be What Ya Wanna Be" Produced
Travis List album "It's Not Easy"
New Rhythm Syndicate Album "Live At Cargo"
Performed/Toured with
James Morrison
Glenn Shorrock
The Hoax Collective (France)
Jack Jones
Thelma Houston
Rhonda Burchmore
Dale Barlow
Venetta Fields
Wendy Stapleton
Carter and Carter
David Campbell
Russell Morris
Eric Bogle
James Muller
Felicity Urquhart
Darren Coggan
TV music production
Here's Humphrey (ch 9)
The Music Shop (ch 10)
Other Bands
Dr. Buzz
The Borderers
New Rhythm Syndicate
Red House
Suction Cap
Carter & Carter
Brett Wood Trio.......and More... |